Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Grump, grump, GRUMPY! WHY AM I SO F*CKING GRUMPY THIS WEEK? I am an ugly person when I'm grumpy. Ugly & nasty. I don't LIKE observing the grumpiness. I SEE the behavior from myself and abhor it! But I just can't turn it off! Everything makes me AAANNNGGGRRRYYY!


1. Boss doesn't give me enough information to complete a task.

2. Boss assumes that I will MAGICALLY understand what "djoq3erm" [insert illegible chicken scratches] means on the instructions he's written up for me. COME ON.

3. The mailbox near my office smells like piss EVERY TIME.

3. I forgot my $2.99 Subway coupon at lunch.

4. Los Angeles drivers.

5. Lack of sleep.

I can't think of anything else right now. I think I'm calming down.

Ok. Enough of that. Time for some grumpiness antidotes:

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