Sunday, April 10, 2011

On a lighter note, Anton and I discovered Hank & Howie tonight, so now I'm fantasizing about living on a farm and spending all my time raising bloodhounds.

I made an important but depressing realization today. I have zero self-discipline. Yes, I can be a hard worker. I get things done at work efficiently, I practice my music, I wash dishes and vacuum (er, sometimes). But it's never instrinsically self-motivated. I never decide on a personal regimen and stick to it. Sure, I'll get things done when there's a deadline, or when there is some other ulterior motive. But I don't do ANYTHING that's self-driven for the sake of reaching a personal long-term goal. Maybe Weight Watchers in the one exception. But at the moment I'm totally slacking. I try to commit to exercising, but don't follow through. I desperately want to spend more time tidying the house and beautifying my living space, but I just don't do it. It's like I want to take the path of least resistance, avoiding hardship. Maximizing fun & carefree-ness is the priority. Oddly, I think "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" really got to me... (but I highly recommend the book!) I wonder how I wouldn't have turned out (discipline-wise) if I'd been raised by a Chinese mother.